Thursday, August 21, 2014

Your Moment of Who: Doctor Who TV Movie (Eighth Doctor)

For full show notes and links to all of our social media, please visit

Welcome to our final installment of this year's Classic Who series! KC and I discuss the 1996 TV Movie simply titled "Doctor Who" and starring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor.

We talk about why American content creators should not be trusted with a 30+ year old BBC property, the overuse of racial stereotypes and gang/gun violence, the Seventh Doctor's traumatic end, and the somewhat odd characteristics of the Eighth Doctor (like kissing random women, which stuck around, and telling people bits from their future, which didn't). We also discuss the Doctor's apparently questionable genetic makeup, and again ask the age-old question: Why does the Master have superpowers?

New Anomaly Podcast episode!

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