I'm Anne and I had a press pass to New York Comic Con because I'm an Anomaly.
I spent the last three days at my first ever Con and it has been an absolute blast! Between walking through Artist's Alley, seeing the ladies of Battlestar Galactica, and playing new video game demos, I've had a full dance card.
When I first got there, I was completely overwhelmed. I was supposed to meet up with some friends and as soon as I saw how many people were inside and how gargantuan the exhibition floor was, I feared I'd never find them. Luckily I spotted a Jayne Cobb doll in the Tonner booth and was so happy to see a familiar face, albeit a fictional one, that I stayed and checked out all of their collections for quite some time. They had sets from Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings, Firely, and a bunch of other cult classics. The detail was astounding and a little creepy. I started picturing Jayne arriving at Barbie's beach house to party with Galadriel and Skipper. Luckily one of my friends spotted me just as my brain descended into complete insanity and we all continued our Comic Con adventure together.

My favorite thing was getting to see all of the cosplay. There was such a range from girls who simply threw on a brightly colored wig and some awesome steampunk goggles to one girl who had commissioned an insanely detailed Tali costume (from Mass Effect) that had taken over 6 months to complete.

I also saw some awesome Avatar cosplay of Katara and Toph from the animated series.

The most overpowering presence in terms of cosplay was undoubtedly Star Wars. There were Jedi's everywhere! After a while they all started to blend in together, until steampunk Boba Fett showed up and blew everyone away. Well, not literally, but it was very impressive.

That was only topped by Chewbacca. The funny part about this picture is that I have a similar one taken when I was a little girl at Disney World. My parents somehow thought it would be a great idea to thrust tiny me into the arms of seven-foot-tall-Chewbacca and I was completely terrified. As you can see, it's a different story now that I'm an adult Anomaly. Hold me closer, giant wookie.

Of course, there were a fair share of Anomalies-to-be.

The craziest thing about the R2D2 model in that last picture was that the father of those two kids was using a remote to make it roll ahead of his children whilst it sounded a horrendous alarm so that the family would have room to walk and not get trampled. Part of me hated him because whenever they got close, that's all you could hear for about 10 minutes as people could barely move due to sold out crowds on Saturday, but most of me was jealous.
I also ran into a girl who had created her own Astrid of Berk costume from How to Train Your Dragon. We chatted for a bit about how she'd managed to construct the leather armor at home with tile glue. As it turned out, she's a 2D animator- that is, while she's not defending her village from an onslaught of pesky fire-breathers. We both came to one singular conclusion: Dragons are awesome.

I knew Angela and Jen would appreciate this hardcore Battlestar fan-couple.

They also had a bunch of new action figure models on display that haven't been mass produced for sale yet. My favorites included Bioware's Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age figures as well as Blizzard's new series of World of Warcraft models. Finally, Boomkin get immortalized (even if it had to be of the Alliance persuasion). My personal favorite is the Undead Priestess. The detail and the dynamic position is really eye-catching. The shoulders guards took me back to the days when I was raiding Black Temple and wished I was a cloth wearing class so that I could wear them.

I've been considering getting into some table top RPG's and I found one I'm really intrigued by called Eoris. I talked to the creators and not only were they passionate about the game, but their artwork is incredible. Everything has a completely unified look to it and the books are really beautiful. The only reason I didn't end up buying them right then and there is because every time I want to try a table top RPG and I buy a book, no one wants to play it. So here's the deal- NEW YORK ANOMALIES: ASSEMBLE! Let's make this happen.

I wanted to save most of my money for Blizzcon since I'm traveling to LA for that convention in a few weeks, but I did pick up two special items. Number one, I ran into Georges Jeanty in the Artists Alley who was displaying some of his artwork for the Buffy comics as well as one of the covers for The Guild comic books. He was such a nice guy and we ended up talking about how he met Felicia Day at a Con in London and encouraged her to get into writing comics. The rest is history, folks! I ended up buying a print of his cover for The Guild and he signed it for me. I also discovered the booth for Her Universe which is a company created by Ashley Eckstein (the voice of Ahsoka on Star Wars: The Clone Wars) to sell "geek chic" apparel for women. They have the most awesome Star Wars baseball caps with sparkly lettering! That was what initially caught my eye until I realized I probably would never wear it since I don't wear hats. Their shirts are amazingly comfortable and I was impressed that they came in plus sizes as well as the regular sizes. They also don't run insanely small like some women's apparel. I ended up buying the Han and Leia "I Know" shirt, but it was a close call between that one and a purple shirt with Leia and Darth Vader that said "Daddy's Little Girl."
I recorded a ton of great audio interviews with other Anomaly con-goers, artists, writers, webseries creators, actors, and musicians and sent them off to Jen and Angela so hopefully you'll get to hear more about NYCC first hand in the near future!
Staff Writer for Anomaly
AWESOME report Anne, thanks for sharing your first experience at a Con.. hopefully it won't be you last. Can't wait to hear your audio interviews.
Cool! Thanks for the report, Anne! That picture of Tali'Zorah from Mass Effect 1 and 2 totally rocks! When I completed ME2, I thought it would be awesome if someone created/wore a quarian costume to a con, but wondered how one would construct such a thing, especially the helmet/visor--it would be difficult to do for sure.
@Geekyfanboy Thanks! It really was cool. I would have had more stuff if I hadn't injured my foot on day two. It was quite a hike from Queens to the convention center and here in NYC, cars weren't an option for little old pedestrian me.
@Jen Omg. That picture HARDLY does it justice. I had an interview with her but this other guy kept interrupting it to talk to her and he wouldn't stop even after I politely told him I was recording something with her. He looked a little puzzled and continued doing it! GRRRR! It was impossible to edit out! BUT I did weed out the companies she used when she commissioned it!
Organic Armor http://www.organicarmor.com/
KMK Designs: http://www.kmkdesigns.org/
Woo that's me in the Tali costume! Good article, I wish I'd gotten to see more of the showcasing, but there were soo many peope...
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