Thursday, May 30, 2013

Your Moment of Who: Doctor Who, Series 7, Episodes 11-13

It's the series finale of Doctor Who and Your Moment of Who!  If you've been listening, you know that KC and I haven't been too thrilled with the season to this point.  But all of that's changed with these last three episodes!  So, if you're sick of hearing us whine, you're in luck! No you get to hear us gush...  But first thing's first - we respond to some feed back from regular emailer Andrew, and discuss some more opinions about the first few episodes with Clara and her story that far.  Then it's on to the new stuff - Spoilers, Sweetie - we discuss "The Crimson Horror," "Nightmare in Silver," and "The Name of the Doctor."  And we, of course, can't help but delve into some of the rumors and possible spoilers that have been going around regarding the 50th Anniversary Special in November. (Don't worry - a second spoiler warning is given.)  And no Moment of Who would be complete without a few jabs at River Song.  ;)

Check out this episode!

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