Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Your Moment of Who: Series 8, Episodes 1-3 (Deep Breath / Into the Dalek / Robot of Sherwood)

Doctor Who has returned! We're already a quarter of the way through Series 8, and KC and Sue talked for nearly two hours about the first three episodes featuring the new Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi. Don't worry, though - it has been edited down to a much more manageable 52 minutes (or so).  Please remember that we both only saw each episode once and that these episodes are "first reactions" to the episode.  Don't expect too much analysis.  There will be some, however, because we just can't stop ourselves.


To help you avoid said spoilers and still listen, if you want, here are some time codes:
01:15 - Thoughts on the new title sequence
03:30 - Capaldi first impressions
06:30 - Deep Breath (KC and I disagree about something!)
19:10 - Into the Dalek
28:35 - Robot of Sherwood
33:00 - General thoughts so far (including some general Moffat crit around the 38 minute mark and also some things we forgot earlier.)
40:45 - An email from listener Marcus and our response
And stay tuned to the very end for over 2 minutes of ridiculous outtakes.

Please visit for full show notes and links to additional content.

New Anomaly Podcast episode!

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