Hi, I'm Sue. Everyone knows that hoverboards don't work on water, and I am an Anomaly.
Wow, it's 2010. Whether you think "two thousand ten" or "twenty ten" sounds more science-fictiony, there were a time when all of us thought of 2010 as "the distant future." And for the past few weeks, everywhere I go, I keep reading and hearing complaints about all the stuff that we're "supposed" to have in 2010. Flying cars, jet packs, communicators, hyposprays, etc. Yes, those things would be cool, but let's take a step back. We live during an time of amazing technological advancement. I know that sounds ridiculous, but seriously, we do! Check it out - here are just a few brief examples how technology has changed over the past 30(ish) years, leading to things we take for granted every day (or, at least, I know I do).

64 was introduced in January 1982, with a 16-color display and 64kB of RAM (What kind of chip you got in there - a Dorito?). That doesn't even compare to the first iPod. Data storage has gone from 8-inch floppy disks to 5-1/4 and 3-1/2 inch floppies, to zip drives, to CD-ROM, to flash drives. Something the size of your thumbnail can hold more data than that we ever thought we'd need back in the '80s. And then there's teh interwebs. Sure, the internet is generally accepted to have begun in 1969, but didn't gain a public face until the early '90s, and the big usage boom came in the mid-'90s (AOL 3.0 was released in June 1996). Now, it's estimated that the "population of internet users" is over 1.67 billion. Just think about that for a minute. 1.67 billion.
But the really wonderful thing about the internet is amazing power it's brought to the common person! We can check prices from stores around the world, making sure we get the best buy. We can read newspapers and watch television programs. But, in my opinion, the best thing the internet has given us is right here. The ability to create communities, make friends all over the world, express ourselves, and share our creativity. Anyone can make a podcast. Anyone can write a blog. Anyone can get creative and share something they've made. You can design a logo, upload it to cafepress.com, and have a shirt (or tons of other stuff) in a week or so. You can write a book and not worry about finding a publisher, try lulu.com - they print on demand! You can create music and get it on iTunes. We can do so much online that wasn't even possible 5 years ago, let alone 30 years ago.
So, you know what? Go ahead and complain about your lack of a jet pack. Get out your phone, put on some tunes, log onto the internet, and blog and tweet about how disappointed you are with the state of technology in 2010. Or take a step back and look at how far we've come. Sure, the things I've mentioned are pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but there's so much more - I mean, researchers are testing an AIDS vaccine! So, yeah, I'm pretty happy with where we stand. In fact, I love living in the future. But I won't dismiss Hollywood's predictions entirely - in 2015, I'm putting money on the Cubbies to win the World Series (Thank you, Marty McFly).

Anomaly Staff Writer
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1 comment:
didn't you watch NCIS this week? ;D jet packs are close! lol!!
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